Category: Seller

  • Applying to Sell in Rapidbump

    Note: This article is no longer applicable and deprecated since January 2018

    In order for you to be eligible to sell in Rapidbump, it is required that you meet this criteria.

    Requirement for Selling

    • Brunei Darussalam Citizen
    • Have Bank Institution located in Brunei Darussalam

    If you meet this requirement, click on “Start Selling” in your Buyer Account to proceed with the application.

    Please provide your address to ensure the process is as smooth as possible.


  • Bidding Items

    • On your add product page, set Product Type to Auction
    • This will activate Auction tab as seen in the picture.


    Few terms that was used:

    • Bid increment is how much a customer can raise price at minimum
    • Normal Bidding is when the item is bid at the highest price
    • Reverse Bidding is when the item is bid to the lowest price
    • Proxy bidding is an implementation of an English second-price auction used on eBay, in which the winning bidder pays the price of the second-highest bid plus a defined increment. It differs from a Vickrey auction in that bids are not sealed; the “current highest bid” (defined as second-highest bid plus bid increment) is always displayed. (reference Wikipedia)

    If you have any further question. Text RB   or Call us +6737189192

  • Google Analytics Tracking ID

    More info can be found at google analytics help page

    If you have never heard of google analytics, we also recommend you to read this article written by Moz . They provide a good overview what google analytics can provide for your business.

    Find your tracking ID

    To find the tracking ID and code snippet:

    1. Sign in to your Analytics account.
    2. Click Admin.
    3. Select an account from the menu in the ACCOUNT column.
    4. Select a property from the menu in the PROPERTY column.
    5. Under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.
    6. Now copy this and add it to your Seller Dashboard Setting.
    7. Done.


    You can track data through Google Analytics website and Phone apps (Iphone and Android)

  • Setting Up Your Store

    As you grow your inventory, you might start to feel like having your own store setup. We want to ensure your stay here will achieve what you set out doing and reach the gaming community that you help us build.

    So how can RapidBump increase the value for you and your customer? We make it really really personal.

    As a Seller in RapidBump, we give you the privilege to set your own store. This is where your customers can browse your entire inventory. We recommend you to share your store with them.

    In your own store, your customers will be able to use our RapidBump Filter v1.0, similar to RapidBump main shop filter. They can browse through your own store inventory listing with the ability to filter based on Console, Genre, Hardware, Prices.  They can also sort the entire listing based on new games you have in store how they wish.

    To get to your own store

    1. Login to your account
    2. Go to your Seller Dashboard
    3. Click on View Store


    Setting up your store and making it look professional is a simple task. The look and feel of your store can influence the credibility and trust with your customer. This guide will help you go through the steps on how to achieve this.

    So lets get started..

    You’ll have banners on your store and on your product page.

    Banner on Your Store
    Banner on your product page

    Your store banners will contain your store name, store description, and your contact options. Lets begin by customising your store details. From your Seller Dashboard, Click on Setting.

    Setting up your Store Info

    • Seller name / Store name is what your customer in your own store and your product page banner.
    • Description / Message is could be your store description or your personal message to all your customer.
    • Phone number
      • This will make it easy for your customer to contact you if they needed further info on your items

    Then we can proceed with your branding icon and banner

    To go to your branding setting

    1. On your Seller Dashboard
    2. Click on Setting
    3. Select Branding


    Setting up your Store Branding

    • Store Icon
      • This is different from your social profile Icon. This could be your business Logo or just any icon that represents you as the seller
    • Banner Icon
      • If you are familiar with social network such as facebook or twitter. This should not be new to you. By default this is already set, but you can customised them to represent your business or you as the seller.


    Summing this all up

    To sum this all up, this is an example of how this could appear to your customer.


  • Manage Customer Orders

    Managing customer orders can be done through your seller dashboard.

    To get to your customer orders

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Go to your seller dashboard
    3. Click on Orders

    You can filter your orders by setting the date range and click Update.

    All of your customer orders is listed here.

    View Customer Detail

    • You can view your customer address and how they purchase your products. Meetup orders are clearly labeled along with your customer information on the table
      • Any meetup orders can be declined if you cannot meet their requirement.
    • This is still viewable once the order is complete, cancelled, refunded.

    View Order Details

    • You can view your customer in more detail here including the item they have purchased from you

    Shipping Label

    • Shipping label can be useful for postal delivery. Print this page to be carried along during shipping

    Order Notes

    • Order notes contains special request from your customer.
    • You can also update them on the status of their shipping. This will be viewable in their Order page.
    • Order Activity is also viewable
      • When the order was made
      • Whether the order has been paid

    Mark Shipped

    Declining Order (Meetup)

    • Any meetup order can be declined with this button. This will not appear on online purchases. Your customer will be notified when you declined their orders.
  • How Do I Get Paid for Online Sales?

    Help > Seller > How do I get paid for online sales?

    There are 2 ways that you can get paid at Rapidbump.

    1. Transfer your earning to your Rapid Wallet
    2. Transfer to your Bank

    Transferring to your Rapid Wallet

    You don’t need a bank account to start receiving online payment. Your earnings can be transferred to Rapid Wallet and be used for purchases immediately. Rapid Wallet works in a way when you wanted to purchase something in Rapidbump without needing to wait for Fund process to complete (usually 2-3 working days).

    After a sale occurs, Rapidbump processes the payment from the buyer. Once  you have sent Rapidbump confirmation that the order has been shipped,  Rapidbump credits the net proceeds from the sale to your seller account. Keep in mind that refunds to buyers, selling fees, and other transactions are debited against amounts credited to your account from sales.

    Once your earning becomes available, you will be able to transfer your earning to your Rapid Wallet via Payment Setting in your Seller Dashboard.

    Transferring to your Bank

    To initiate a transfer of funds from your seller account to your bank account, Rapidbump payment requires:

    After a sale occurs, Rapidbump processes the payment from the buyer. Once  you have sent Rapidbump confirmation that the order has been shipped,  Rapidbump credits the net proceeds from the sale to your seller account. Keep in mind that refunds to buyers, selling fees, and other transactions are debited against amounts credited to your account from sales.

    The funds in your seller account will be automatically transferred to your bank account according to your cash-out cycle. Transfer of funds will be initiated once Rapidbump concludes that it is no longer necessary to hold funds to cover chargebacks, refunds, or other claims against your sales transaction. For more information, see Transferring Funds to Your Bank Account.

    To receive funds, you must provide a valid Brunei Bank checking account.



  • Entering Your Banking Information

    Entering Your Banking Information

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Help > Seller > Entering your Banking information [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

    If you need to enter your bank account information for the first time or update it later, you can do so in your seller settings.

    Sellers will receive money to their valid Brunei checking account in Brunei Dollar.

    To enter new bank account information:

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Go to your seller dashboard
    3. Click on Settings links, select Payment tab
    4. Go to Overview
    5. Click on Add bank details / Change bank details
    6. Updating your bank account information will not affect settlements or payments already being processed


    To delete bank account information:

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Go to your seller dashboard
    3. Click on Settings links, select Payment tab
    4. Go to Account summary
    5. On your “How you get paid”, Click delete


    Required Bank Information

    1. Name as displayed in your Bank Statement
    2. Bank Name (e.g. Baiduri, BIBD etc)
    3. Bank Account Number
  • Delivery Settings

    Delivery Settings

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Help > Seller > Shipping Delivery Settings [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The online payment only works with postal delivery.

    Shipping via postal delivery options can only work if these criteria are met:-

    • You have set your  national / international shipping fee above BND $0.00
    • Or,  national / international set this free. Tick the free shipping options
    • And you have to untick disable national shipping

    Have a look at the settings below the help you through this initial shipping settings. Once they are set, they are by default linked to any new product you have made. This does not automatically reflect on products that you have previously posted. You can also set these settings in your “Add Product” forms under advanced settings.

    For more info about adding product, see How to Sell Games or Sell other products[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][yp_single_image img_src=”15183″ link_to_full_image=”1″][vc_column_text]Free shipping settings[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][yp_single_image img_src=”15182″ link_to_full_image=”1″][vc_column_text]Paid shipping settings[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Add Product Handling Fee when you the items are heavy or huge and requires special packaging. This  is up to you as a seller[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


  • How Do I Sell Hardwares?

    How Do I Sell Hardwares?

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Help > Seller > How do I sell hardware? [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

    You can also sell products other than games. This includes consoles, PC, PC hardware, Gaming Mouse etc.

    Our algorithm is optimised to sell games, but we also allow anything outside our database.

    Lets say we want to sell Playstation Console. What do we do?

    We will go through steps by step on how to add product that is outside our game database system.

    1. Click “Add Product” button. This is easily accessible through your Navigation bar with “+” sign, or in your Seller Dashboard
    2. Once you are there, click on Product Name. Our algorithm will run through the database, to search best match with your title.
      • You can type any name here and when you are done press Enter / Return
      • You can also click the top search labeled as Custom Label
    3. Any Custom Label  items will have Miscellaneous  in the category. Since we are selling game console. Add “Hardware” in the category
    4. If you are selling a new item, please add “New” in the category
    5. Set your Price
    6. Make sure you add descriptions, such as Region, Condition or any info that would be useful to your customer.
    7. Add tags, for customers to easily search your product. Think of what they might search for e.g. ps4, console.
    8. You don’t usually need to use the advanced Settings but there are useful stuff there when required
      • You can set your item as private so that it is not searchable through our search algorithm. This is useful when we add online payment, and you want to use our online payment to sell to your customer.
      • Virtual is usually use for item such as PSN Card, League of Legends RP, Steam Key etc
      • Downloadable  is used if you are selling games you developed (Any Indie Developer here? )
      • Inventory , allows you to manage your stock. If you have unlimited stock, you can untick “Manage stock” to allow them to run infinitely after every purchases.
    9. Once you are happy with it, click “Add Product”
      • “Save Draft” allows you to save your entire setting without publishing the item. This is useful when you want to view your item first. You can ofcourse edit them later to publish them
      • Your item is not live until you see its “Online” in your Product list.
    10. Done.


    [rev_slider alias=”seller_add_product_hardware”]