For the preowned games, we do recommend the seller to describe as detail as possible what their customer will be seeing. And if possible take a picture of it and include them in their product.
If this is an online purchase, we allow buyer to initiate a dispute and let us know if they are not happy with the condition what they are receiving. We will hold the payment until buyer completed the order in their order page or that no claims are made within a week. By doing so we are able to refund when things are not solveable in other means. So don’t complete the order yet, until you have received and check them.
Although this is a tricky situations where some buyer could take advantage of the situation. So we set a time limit of 1 week once the order is shipped, until our system automatically complete the order or the buyer themselves clicked on the ”Complete Order” button.
In any case that you are not happy with what you just received just contact us at with the order ID and images as proof. We will sort out with the seller, and discuss with them how best to deal with such situation. Either a full refund and the item is resend to seller or as Partial refund.
Our dispute system will be upgraded in the next few patches to handle for claims and dispute easily.
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