Tag: Info > Seller > Earnings > Receiving Money

  • Entering Your Banking Information

    Entering Your Banking Information

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Help > Seller > Entering your Banking information [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

    If you need to enter your bank account information for the first time or update it later, you can do so in your seller settings.

    Sellers will receive money to their valid Brunei checking account in Brunei Dollar.

    To enter new bank account information:

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Go to your seller dashboard
    3. Click on Settings links, select Payment tab
    4. Go to Overview
    5. Click on Add bank details / Change bank details
    6. Updating your bank account information will not affect settlements or payments already being processed


    To delete bank account information:

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Go to your seller dashboard
    3. Click on Settings links, select Payment tab
    4. Go to Account summary
    5. On your “How you get paid”, Click delete


    Required Bank Information

    1. Name as displayed in your Bank Statement
    2. Bank Name (e.g. Baiduri, BIBD etc)
    3. Bank Account Number